[COSPLAY] Helper T Cell


characters / Helper T Cell
series / Cells at work
cosplayer / Saga Yuui VX
photography / Van Lim
edit / Saga Yuui VX

I can’t do anything about the group shots, but here’s some delayed backlog of the commander cookie crumbs! One set down, more to go! If the photos cannot be seen or load too slowly, please go over to my facebook page to view.


There’s nothing much to pose with the commander… he has no weapon… so I brought my tea set and book to the shot. I was amazed that Van was able to come up with so many shots, to be honest. I have thought I would be done with 3 shots.





He plays hard but he works hard too!



I actually would like to cosplay him when he was the youth in training. He was so cute then!

Also, bonus of this old shot by Ryusei at event! The tea cup was

different because it was too long and I can only find the other set at the time of the shoot lols. Both of us did the editing, but I think he did more this time round!


– 9/9

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